Just realised I didn't write here for a couple of days. I still haven't really told very many people about this place, guess I need to do that to motivate myself to write. I'm still annoyed with the lack of pictures, I have quite a few of them in the camera but the stupid cable still haven't turned up.
The bread for soup day, however turned out wonderful. It was only my second try with the recipe, and even though there was also yeast in there, with a new sourdough starter, you never know... The recipe is called "Olof Viktors ljusa bröd" (means light or maybe white bread of Olof Victor's) from "Bröd". I use this book a lot for baking. I recently bought two more bread baking books (Bröd och marmelad från Rosendals trädgårdscafé - Monika Ahlberg, and Crust and Crumb - Peter Reinhart), but I still haven't read them enough times to really start using them. Everyone seemed to enjoy the bread, which was good since our soup turned out to be filling but not extremely interesting. D. loves this bread, and I'm not sure he will allow me to make any other kind for a while. At least not as long as I give him a choice. On the other hand, maybe it would be good to make one kind of bread several times? I tend to skip around among different recipes, maybe I should spend some time perfecting one version instead?
Anyway, this weekend it will be time for baking "lussekatter". This is a Swedish sweet bread with saffron made in December, to be eaten before and around Christmas. Since I decided not to make pepparkakor (gingerbread cookies) for this Christmas (D.'s mother makes awfully good ones, and we're likely to get a large box any day now) lussekatter will be my Christmas baking this year. Though I'm considering some fudge making...
Talking about fudge. I have this idea about trying to make a cloudberry fudge. I have made rasberry fudge with good results so far, but I think the taste of cloudberry would go well with the caramel.. But I really don't know. I love cloudberries, and it seems as if we can get any amount from D's parents. For me, who grew up in southern Sweden this is such a luxury, cloudberries are not at all as common there as they are up here. But, short of making cloudberry jam (which is good enough! I just had a little warm cloudberry jam with some vanilla ice cream) I don't really know what to do with them. Any suggestions? I even bought a book earlier this fall, hoping that it would help me. I mean, in Swedish it was called "Mellan hjortron och oliver" which means "Between cloudberries and olives", and the original English title was even "Falling cloudberries". Alas, I was so dissapointed. The book didn't contain a single recipe with cloudberries (I suspect the name was chosen because it might sound exotic if you've never seen or eaten cloudberries). So I'm still searching for cloudberry recipes... And a cloudberry fudge would be nice...
The bread for soup day, however turned out wonderful. It was only my second try with the recipe, and even though there was also yeast in there, with a new sourdough starter, you never know... The recipe is called "Olof Viktors ljusa bröd" (means light or maybe white bread of Olof Victor's) from "Bröd". I use this book a lot for baking. I recently bought two more bread baking books (Bröd och marmelad från Rosendals trädgårdscafé - Monika Ahlberg, and Crust and Crumb - Peter Reinhart), but I still haven't read them enough times to really start using them. Everyone seemed to enjoy the bread, which was good since our soup turned out to be filling but not extremely interesting. D. loves this bread, and I'm not sure he will allow me to make any other kind for a while. At least not as long as I give him a choice. On the other hand, maybe it would be good to make one kind of bread several times? I tend to skip around among different recipes, maybe I should spend some time perfecting one version instead?
Anyway, this weekend it will be time for baking "lussekatter". This is a Swedish sweet bread with saffron made in December, to be eaten before and around Christmas. Since I decided not to make pepparkakor (gingerbread cookies) for this Christmas (D.'s mother makes awfully good ones, and we're likely to get a large box any day now) lussekatter will be my Christmas baking this year. Though I'm considering some fudge making...
Talking about fudge. I have this idea about trying to make a cloudberry fudge. I have made rasberry fudge with good results so far, but I think the taste of cloudberry would go well with the caramel.. But I really don't know. I love cloudberries, and it seems as if we can get any amount from D's parents. For me, who grew up in southern Sweden this is such a luxury, cloudberries are not at all as common there as they are up here. But, short of making cloudberry jam (which is good enough! I just had a little warm cloudberry jam with some vanilla ice cream) I don't really know what to do with them. Any suggestions? I even bought a book earlier this fall, hoping that it would help me. I mean, in Swedish it was called "Mellan hjortron och oliver" which means "Between cloudberries and olives", and the original English title was even "Falling cloudberries". Alas, I was so dissapointed. The book didn't contain a single recipe with cloudberries (I suspect the name was chosen because it might sound exotic if you've never seen or eaten cloudberries). So I'm still searching for cloudberry recipes... And a cloudberry fudge would be nice...